Monday, November 7, 2011

Something's Got to Change

I cannot live like this anymore... My parents constantly treat me like i'm stupid and I cannot do it anymore. I wrote one of my favorite artists P.C cast about my life and the constant struggles that i go through all the time and she wrote me something that hit me really hard. But in a good way

Here is what she wrote:

"Hi Jenna - I'm glad Brighid moved you. Remember, only you can empower yourself. Love and happiness and peace and joy won't just come to you. You have to step out and claim the life you believe you deserve. Change is painful, but it is through change that we grow.

Brightest Blessings,
PC "

Simple and to the point, but very meaningful all at the same time. I know in my heart that things need to change, cause I dont feel like I can go on this way any longer. Each day I push through hoping that things will just get better. But I know they wont. 
There is one thing in the world that means the most to me, and that is my 4 pound chihuahua puppy, Dolce. My parents know that she means the world to me but when things go bad between my parents and I, they have a tendency to use her against me. "We are going to sell Dolce", "You dont take care of her", "She has accidents in the house", and blah blah blah.. and every time they do that, I feel like a piece of my heart breaks. It isnt right to do that. I care about her more than anyone else does. Dolce and I have a connection (strange as that may sound). I pay for all her vet bills, animal ER visits, toys, clothes, basically everything except dog food cause my parents pay only for that. They have even resorted to taking her away from me and keeping her in their room. It frustrates me so much. She is my dog and its just wrong.
Thats only one of the reasons my parents and I dont get along. It would take tooo long to describe the rest.

Things need to change, and they will. They have to. For Dolce and for myself.

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