Sunday, November 6, 2011

Book: Brighid's Quest

Wow is all I can say... This book is fantastic. I read P.C Casts House of Night Series last year (haven't read her newer ones) but I purchased Elphame's Choice and Brighid's Quest from a local goodwill for .99 cents each. I started reading Elphame's choice thinking that I wasnt going to get into it, but after the first page, I could not put the book down. It was amazing! Then I moved on to Brighid's quest. I was very unsure how I would like this one cause it was about brighid who I didnt particularly like from Elphames choice. Then I got reading and I was completely moved. Brighid was more like me than anything else (except for the centaur part :) She is beautiful and slim and she had amazing friends who would do anything for her. Im plain and a little bit chubby but thats where our differences end. You see, Im aware that brighid is a fictional character so you may think Im silly to be relating to her, but one day you will find something that moves you to tears that you cant let go of. Throughout Brighids life, she has had a constant struggle with her mother. Her mother was bad and her soul was damaged, she took alot out on brighid and she expected alot from her. Her mother didnt treat her well and she didnt love her.
Like Brighid, I have a mother who doesnt treat me very well. I am called names often and I dont feel like im loved, I feel worthless alot of the time. Im constantly measured up to my sister and im NOTHING like her and I never want to be. My older sister has been in and out of jail, and has been back and forth between drugs. WHY am I being compared to someone like that? I find solace in books. It gives me an escape. Something better than reality. Reading about Brighid (even though she is fictional) really helped me to hope; hope that there is something out there in the world calling me. That maybe I have a destiny and maybe just maybe, that im worth something more. And if im lucky, someday I will find the one whose soul is made exactly for mine. I cannot thank PC Cast enough for writing a book that has not only brought me to tears but changed my life. I know I will be alright, because someday someone will care about me, Like Elphame and Cuchulaine care about Brighid.

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