Monday, November 7, 2011


I've decided to set a list of Goals for myself that I WILL accomplish one by one.. :)

1. Don't even bother arguing with Parents.
(Even when they are wrong, let them think they are right. Its not worth it to argue.)
2. Set myself and Dolce up on a Schedule.
(Me an exercise schedule, Dolce a potty break schedule.)
3. Save up ALL extra money that is made from my online business
(ALL money will be put towards Dolce and I moving into an apartment, probably with room-mates.)
4. Sell more items at my online business by Networking MORE.
(Work, Work, Work! )
5. Lose Weight
(see #2)
6. Get acting headshots done along with portfolio pictures
(I need to get working on my acting career.)
7. Make friends
( I seem to be limited on friends, i need to meet more people.)
8. Begin and write a novel that will touch someone's life.
(Outline, Write, and send into a publishing company)
9. DONT FORGET to go to the Dentist. I have 2 cavity's that I need to get filled, and I NEVER have cavity's!
(ugh... )

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